Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kansas (50 Songs For 50 States)

Our tour of the states continues with a trip to Kansas. The band The Wolfgang Press originated in England, but their video and song from their 1988 album "Bird Wood Cage" shows they've got the American thing down. Wah Wah guitars and Michael Allen delivering a monotone chorus chanting "Kan-sas" over and over. Think early Ministry here. The video takes place in a barn with the band playing for James Dean, Jackie Onassis Kennedy and JFK. I believe it's LBJ sitting at the drum set. It's creepy, Allen holding a pig, guitarist Andrew Kay running around the barn, the guest characters doing dance moves. It definitely won't win the tourism state song competition (as a matter of fact, it will probably drive people miles away from Kansas) but we'll include it here. Why? It's funky...and downright strange.


April March Kerli Interpol The Helio Sequence

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