Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Currently Reading: The Federalist Papers in Modern Language

TITLE: The Federalist Papers in Modern Language
AUTHOR:  Various authors, edited by Mary E. Webster
PUBLISHER:  Merril Press

I have not done one of these in a while. It's not that I have not been doing any reading. I have certainly been reading a lot lately. My excuse is that it is a combination of just not feeling like doing one of these posts for every one of the books I have read lately and just forgetting to.

So this is the latest book that I recently borrowed from my local library. I have never actually sat down and read all of the Federalist Papers. I have read a few of them at random times and I keep meaning to read all of them but I just have not gotten around to it.

So I saw this one at my library while I was perusing the political section and decided now is as good a time as any to read all of them.

Here is an excerpt from the blurb from the Amazon page on this book:
"The Federalist Papers are among the most important founding documents in the birth of the United States of America. The whole original debate over the Constitution is laid out there in detail for all to see."


Loney, Dear Ride The Primary 5 The Siddeleys

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