Thursday, February 23, 2012

Noel Gallagher To Release Two Lost Oasis Songs

Noel Gallagher has told the NME that he has dusted down a couple of lost songs from his Oasis days and is planning on hitting the studio to record them.

The first song is called Revolution Song and dates back to the Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants sessions from 1999.

The songwriter said that ?I've finished it off now? and added "It's not called 'Solve My Mystery', it's not called 'It's A Crime', it's f**king called Revolution Song".

The other song he plans to record is called 'God Help Us All' which was last heard on the Lord Don't Slow Me Down DVD release.

Speaking about that track he said "I'm going to finish that one as well" and added "I have got little bits of songs knocking around that I have managed to finish off as I'm not in the band anymore. All in good time".

Listen to samples of the tracks below


Lola Dutronic The Vaselines The Servants James Husband

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