Monday, June 4, 2012

Too Many State Agencies

If there is any question as to why the state of Oklahoma spends too much money, one place to look is finding out why Oklahoma has so many unnecessary agencies.

The State of Oklahoma has so many agencies under its belt that can either be eliminated completely or integrated into another agency.

Here is a short list of some of those agencies:

The Capitol Complex and Centennial Commemoration Commission. This commission was responsible for funding the dome project for the state capitol. Ok, the dome is built, what do we still need these guys for?

Oklahoma Peanut Commission. This commission is tasked with promoting the production of sales of peanuts.

Used Motor Vehicle and Parts Commission. Mission Statement: "to license and regulate used motor vehicle create an atmosphere of fair competition among equally regulated dealers and to protect the interests of the consuming public."

Oklahoma Boll Weevil Eradication Organization. No really, this is an actual state organization.

Oklahoma Funeral Board. According to their website the board acts in the public interest, for the public protection and advancement of the profession and serves as an informational resource on funeral services to the general public and members of the profession. This is made up of 7 members appointed by the Governor.

Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools. This is a board the sets standards for private vocational schools including standards of instruction and training qualifications for instructors. The first problem with this agency is that they are regulating PRIVATE schools. What business does the government have in setting standards for anything private? If it is private, henceforth part of a free market system, should they not be setting their own standards. Furthermore, Oklahoma already has a Board of Education, why does there need to be a separate function for vocational schools?

These 6 are just a tip of the iceberg. Other state agencies include the Oklahoma Board of Tests, the Sheep & Wool Commission, and the Wheat Commission, among many many others.


Ladyhawke Maow The Love Language Hayden

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