Sunday, May 8, 2011

New The Wildhouse EP

Anytime I get an e-mail from Ed over at 17 Seconds my ears prick up. His label has sent me some truly mind bending stuff over the past couple of years, so a new THE WILDHOUSE ep, "Good Morning, Captain", was just what I needed to get through a dreary day. The new music takes their marriage of Shoegazer droning guitars and feedback laced solos and amps up the intensity. "Palantine" has elements of TH' FAITH HEALERS and GALAXIE 500 in the mix. "Go" is closer to a traditional rock song until the end careens off the tracks in a Thurston Moore-esque feedback loop that threatens to burst the eardrums. "Palace of Words" is a four minute sonic experiment with a spoke word interlude serving as the vocals to the dueling guitars that make it feel almost like some sort of jazz duet where they bend and wrap sounds around each other. The fifteen minute epic "Calvinball" builds slowly to a driving beat of punk rock ethos as the lead singer spits out his spoken word diatribe like a manic disciple of Mark E Smith.

This is certainly music for those with more extreme tastes. But if you need to vent some vitriol in your day this is the record for you.

(mp3) The Wildhouse -- Palatine


The Rosebuds A.C. Newman Half Man Half Biscuit Velocity Girl

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