Sunday, May 8, 2011

Kick-Ass Pop from Chicago

When I think about the development of my music taste, I can notice at least one thing: it is getting more and more hard rock -oriented! It can be stated that 2011 was my first big hard rock year. It can get bigger, though... Meanwhile, I still enjoy power pop just as much as before. And when it comes to just about any kind of music, I can be really slow. I got this album more than a year ago and not until now I can say that I have found the essence of it. I am talking about The Webstirs album So Long, released in 2009.

Sometimes the Webstirs sound like Weezer, sometimes like KISS or the Beatles, sometimes even 80s ELO. All the time they sound like an excellent pop rock band with music that is not really bubblegummy or candy-coated but melodically it definitely is pure candy. Every song is fantastic and memorable, and for some time I didn't feel like listening to anything else because So Long sounded so good. Excellent songs and sounds, solid performance and well-written lyrics make a gorgeous music experience.

There is also of course the thing about the Effingways. The Webstirs are also the Effingways, with the difference that Doug from the Sun Sawed in 1/2 takes care of the lead vocals. And what do I think about Doug? Don't even get me started, he is the greatest singer in the universe! I hope to hear an album by the Effingways in the future. Doug actually sings background vocals on So Long and you can hear him very well. At first I was a bit confused but... He sounds awesome and this definitely adds to the quality of the music.

Here is Wesley Station, a video that I already posted here a long time ago but here it is again. I don't think it is the best song of the album but it definitely is good. The last time I checked the entire So Long album could be listened to on Spotify.


Mystery Jets Final Fantasy The Sounds Shop Assistants

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