Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Great Music Videos of 2010

I don't watch a lot of music videos, but I can appreciate them when they're really well done. As 2010 comes to a close (and I'm working hard on my top 25 albums list), I thought I'd share a few videos that I really enjoyed this year.

There a trend right now where bands make great conceptual videos on a small budget and release them online - where they go viral and give the band a lot of buzz. OK Go both pioneered and perfected this approach with their continuous take videos. So a couple of those makes appearances here, but also some bigger budget videos.

So here you go!

Hollerado - Americanarama
This video is insane! I love the concept and execution. It must have taken forever to get it just right.

OK Go - White Knuckles
The band is at it again with this video featuring a bunch trained dogs!

OK Go - This Too Shall Pass
Here, the band builds an enormous Rube-Goldberg Machine and creates a huge video around it. It's masterful and epic.

Chromeo - Don't Turn the Lights On
I absolutely love this video. I have no idea how they did some of the effects, but it's creepy and cool!

Jeremy Messersmith - Tattooine
The local boy makes a paper-cut Star Wars tribute video and it's amazing!

David Crowder Band - SMS [Shine]
This is a band that I really don't care for myself, but this video deserves to be on the list. Could this be the thing that puts DCB on the musical map outside CCM?

Jonsi - Go Do
Oh, Jonsi. Your music is so lovely and your videos are so bizarre!

Yeasayer - Madder Red
Kristen Bell stars in probably the most disturbing video of the year. And it's awesome.

Janelle Monae - Tightrope
Can't embed it, but Janelle Monae is amazing in this video. You get a chance to see her great stage presence and dance moves, but you don't need to see copious amounts of flesh like many dance-themed music videos! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwnefUaKCbc

Arcade Fire - The Wilderness Downtown (We Used to Wait)
Arcade Fire put out an interactive music video this year that you have to see to believe. It utilizes HTML5 and Google Maps to bring you an experience unlike anything you've seen. So watch it!

Got a favorite video that you'd like to share?

Source: http://iguitaround.blogspot.com/2010/12/great-music-videos-of-2010.html

Smoosh From Bubblegum to Sky Maria Taylor The Scene Aesthetic

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