According to "EXUDE"... "Boys Just Wanna Have Sex", but for the original song.... It's CYNDI LAUPER and "GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN"!! This will be her second time here in MANILA performing LIVE. YUP!! I saw her performed back in 1989 at The FOLK ARTS THEATER on her "NIGHT TO REMEMBER TOUR '89", and It was definitely one of the memorable concerts I've watched back in the 80s. Well, I'm watching her again perform LIVE and this time at the SMART Araneta Coliseum. YUP!! "Cyndi Lauper Live in Manila!" on March 17, 2012 and where else but the latest venue of great 80s artist at SMART Araneta Coliseum. So KABAYANS, get ready to dance and go back in time again with the little girl that has a lot of Wrestlers as bodyguards back in the 80s. Remember that? Ha Ha Ha!! I just love the beat of her music and it just make you wanna dance to the groove. I guess in this time of digital music where people goes Gaga with Lady Gaga, you gotta go back to the basics when Vinyl Record really ruled. The memories of it are still very fresh and if you're only a CD collector and better yet a Pirated CD collector then who knows what you've missed if you know what I mean. He He He!!
Source: http://docmuzic.blogspot.com/2012/02/cyndi-lauper-live-in-manila.html
The Silly Pillows
The Magnetic Fields
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