Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ra Ra Riot are a love child creation

Ra Ra Riot are the perfect mix of the best of VAMPIRE WEEKEND and DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE, which makes sense since both bands played a role in producing the band's newest album. The New York based band has been kicking around for the past few years but seem poised to move forward in a big way with the release of their latest "The Orchard". Lead Singer Wes Miles has the kind of falsetto that was made for commercial radio stardom and the songs have enough pop bounciness to be perfect for the late summer, early fall. "Boy" and "Massachusetts" both have bass lines straight from the Vampires catalogue but with less obtuse lyrics. "Foolish" has the earmarks a Death Cab song with it's mid tempo piano line that builds over the course of the song. "Shadowcasting" almost sounds like a PHOENIX song but with the Riots distinct sound to save it from parody.

One might surmise that the name dropping makes the record less enjoyable over repeated spins, but the more you hear the more you can't ignore the insanely catchy nature of the songs. They are just damn good pop songs. You simply cannot stop tapping your toe and bobbing your head. Take the record out the next time you are driving with the top down and the sun will only make the drive that much sweeter.


Hidrogenesse Loney, Dear Ride The Primary 5

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