Saturday, November 6, 2010

Idaho (50 Songs For 50 States)

Not a potato, but a candy bar.
Idaho. Potatoes. Boise State. Potatoes. Thanks to Google analytics, I can see where in the country and world I'm getting traffic from. Idaho, you're the only state besides Wyoming who hasn't visited yet. So let's try to wheel someone in from Idaho. I love that aho brought up the fact that at the beginning of Lynyrd Skynyd's "What Your Name" they mention "nine o'clock in Boise, Idaho." She suggested I use it for 50 states, and I'm happy that she looks out for me in these ways along with cooking a mean baked spaghetti. But we're gonna have to go with the obvious "Private Idaho"  from the B-52's. The song itself has done a great deal in promoting tourism in the Gem State.

Take this Saturday for instance in Shelly, Idaho. They are celebrating Idaho Spud Day. You may be asking yourself what exactly is Idaho Spud Day like I myself did. Courtesy of, here's a tidbit of information:
Add Tug-Of-War to list of Spud Day activities

Spud Day is a celebration of the potato in Shelley, Idaho. The potato has come to be thought of as the crop of Idaho, but the state actually has a number of other important crops: wheat, hay, oats, barley, beans, peas, sugar beets, and fruits. Nonetheless, the spud gets the hurrahs with a festival that began in 1927 and includes a parade, potato-picking and tug-of-war contests, and, of course, potatoes fried, baked, scalloped, mashed, etc. Five thousand free baked potatoes are given to visitors.

Did you get that. 5,000 free baked potatoes are given away at Idaho Spud Day each year. And it's tomorrow folks. If we were in the area, we would have to swing by Shelley for this special event. And I'm not poking fun, this looks like a generally good time....and there are potatoes involved. So enjoy your weekend, and if I get a visitor here from Idaho make sure you head out to Shelley and have a baked potato for me.

In the meantime, get down with Fred Schneider and the gang:


Great Lake Swimmers Razorcuts Kate Nash Ivy

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