(this is not to say I had any hand in THE FOO FIGHTERS success, I merely had an early release copy and played it on my show before anyone else in Southern California, but since my radio station had the transmission strength of two cans and a string, it had no real historical impact.)
Which brings us to SOMEONE STILL LOVES YOU, BORIS YELTSIN. This would be an easy band to dismiss since the name is so preposterous and in some ways overly pretentious. We get it, you're smart. Must you bludgeon us with your knowledge of Cold War era Russian politics? I bring this up because I did initially dismiss this Missouri band precisely for this reason. I am here to admit I was wrong. They are in fact, a very good indie rock band. They have inhaled the REM and PAVEMENT catalogues to produce a pretty high quality catalogue of quirky pop tunes. Their latest record, "Let It Sway" is due out in August and they have released the title track first single. A perfect piece of jangly, shining pop music that has piqued my interest in their older material as well as whet my appetite for the new record. I think I have now played this about 7 times in a row. It's just that addicting.
Just another case of judging book by it's cover (or band by it's name)...
(mp3) Someone Still Loves You, Boris Yeltsin -- Sink/Let It Sway (link courtesy of the awesome THE PHOTON GOD blog)
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/blogspot/sQBf/~3/XPQSfSZxVYM/everyhting-about-this-screams-indie.html
The Lovely Feathers Tender Trap Jordan Andrew Jefferson The Ocean Blue
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